From a moving home to Moving Pictures Gallery, the birth and re-birth of a 36' International school bus, struggling to become a green vehicle opening its doors literally to artists with something to say and those who long to hear it. Starting from scratch and loving the haters. Welcome to the happiness bus. . .

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sirius as is

Technology fail.  Apple, where are you?  I've been trying for 2 days to upload a visual update, but to no avail - I've tried it all.  My equipment is totally behind the times, and showing.  My poor little iBook G4 has  had it with my ways and is threatening to quit.

so here's the written update - I'm calling the elusive Brad tomorrow in hopes he will stop by in his seemingly impromptu fashion and look over the conversion issue on site - he says it's doable for dirt cheap. I'm learning all about changing the oil filter on the ol' boy, and probably not taking that on tomorrow, but if no rain, then I will pursue the changing of the fuel filter - no biggie.  Hoping to take Sirius out for a little joy ride in Carter County this weekend. . . Still waiting on the auto glass man to fit in the back window, which was broken out in a storm last year (!)

Tomorrow plumbers are coming to re-route my washer line to the septic - glad I don't have to mess with all that, though I have learned a lot about septic lately here at the house. . .
funny how everyone has their own opinion on things that should be cut and dry - carpentry, auto repair, septic lines - and it's almost always men who have their differing ways.  Most women would talk it out and reach an agreement.  Oh well.

I've added a place to visit on the way to Philly, and because I've come to accept the fact that the bus will not be completely converted (interior) by August at this rate, I'm planning on being in the Philadelphia area indefinitely.  There I have a filmer, place to park, places to stay, and an awesome community to spend time at.  And summers in the city are beautiful.  Summers anywhere are beautiful.  Heck, everyday is beautiful.

There I'll drive up for awhile to NYC and be blessed with some artwork on Sirius promised by one or more New York artists, probably hang around there for awhile and try to bug Morgan Spurlock some more about producing what has now become a film backed mainly by my iPhone. . . and see what kinda goodness is in the Big Apple - closing down my negative impressions from the past of that city and opening up to the positive that is bound to be there in plenty.  I'm figuring it'll be more of an artistic journey, and begging the Big Dogs (producers) to realize the sincerity and cause in my cause. . . without losing my integrity, of course.

Once I'm rolling with my cheap-o conversion I'll cover the details.  I'm not worried - if anything I can't wait to just go and figure it all out.  I have a route - here's what the lose outline looked like before I realized these kinds of things can't possibly have a structured route. . .

August, Philadelphia, NYC
September, New England - 2 or more communities
Oregon by October, possibly Chicago on the way
MANY places to see in Oregon
Coast of CA Nov - stops in San Francisco and LA definite
Winter in the SW, possibly visit a community in Baja, farm in NM, live at the national parks/monuments
Crazy Texas early spring
The Farm (Tn) spring
Koinania Farm, GA
back home for a spell,
ending it all with a backwards route up to Alaska and maybe (not definite), Burning Man in September 2012.

Temperate climates, lots of stops, lots of networking.

But if we end up living in Philadelphia for a year, that's ok, too.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I've been following your blog since seeing the article in the paper a while back. I have to finally say you're either insane or immature to the point it's almost criminal to your children.

    This 60's hippie bullshit of "Me 'n You 'n A Dog named Boo, traveling 'n aliving off the land" in your old school bus is just that....immature bullshit. Fine if you're 20, no kids and no responsibility.....go do it....but you don't HAVE that luxury. You need to flat GROW UP and provide a stable home for the kids you brought into this world, not trying to take an old worn out school bus on the road in some romantic adventure.

    Have you EVEN considered the amount of fuel it will take to do this fool route you have laid ? You think you're gonna stop and collect veggie oil and do this ? Insane.

    How about tires. Let's assume they are brand freaking new....You have a flat in the middle of nowhere, can you even LIFT a tire that weighs more than you, much less break the lug nuts or jack up the bus ?

    What happens if you throw a rod in the engine in North Dakota ? You have bus fare tucked away for 4 of you and prepared to spend 40hrs on a bus back to here ?? don't have money enough for a motel when you run off to PA for a few days, much less bus fare money when you have to abandon your bus ( maybe you'll be lucky enough to break down right next to a scrap yard.....other wise the tow truck operator will get it all.)

    Insane, I tell you. And IF it was just you....fine....but to drag 3 kids along on your ill fated foolishness is bordering on criminally insane.

    You need to have that bus hauled down to Omnisource scrap yard, have it crushed, and put a few bucks in savings.....then get the hell OFF the internet and quit wasting your time blogging, and GET TO WORK building you and your kids a decent, stable life instead of acting like you're still a freaking teenager with 3 puppies.

    I assume you'll delete this, as it isn't the lovey-dovey BS most people post, but if I were your parent, this is EXACTLY what I would tell you.
