From a moving home to Moving Pictures Gallery, the birth and re-birth of a 36' International school bus, struggling to become a green vehicle opening its doors literally to artists with something to say and those who long to hear it. Starting from scratch and loving the haters. Welcome to the happiness bus. . .

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The laundry list

My hair (and yours) is getting longer, the days are getting shorter, September is just around the bend.  Always ambitious in my mind and sometimes not as much with my actions, Moving Pictures gallery wont' be ready until October, for a premiere in Philadelphia's art district.  September will be a busy month, and by busy, picture this - managing three kids in three different schools, taking online courses, working a new job (or two), training for a half-marathon when the first mile you've ever run in your entire life was two months ago (just had to throw that in there), and completing construction, advertisement, and media coverage for a school bus gallery. . .all tastefully done zen-like. 

But I've got a lot of help.  My good college pal, Ryan, has taken it upon himself, on behalf of his new lighting company, to design and install a sweet lighting system that'll work better than flashlights handed out at the entrance (hey - it was Plan A).  I've also had a generous donation from my friend Harry Hutchinson that paid for skylights (to be installed, still), and not to mention he completed the remainder (and surplus) of curtains, enabling me and others to sometimes catch some sleep out here. . .  Also, my ex-boss (yes, haters - I WORK) Peter Daley, has provided the missing link to the electric system - a powerful inverter that will provide all the electrons needed to power lights so you can see when the earth is tilted in a position not so good for seeing, naturally.  After the electric is wired up real nice, we'll cut up some better walls, get these daggum skylights installed, and be showcasing the first show - Daniel Jones.  I'll write about him in a little post right after this one. . .

Also, a talented artist in Queens has shown interest in painting the exterior of Sirius.  I'm very excited about this.  We haven't worked out details, so I won't post any (since they don't exist) but you'll be seeing his work either outside or inside these walls soon. 

The list is getting smaller, like the days, and I'm working up a momentum that ebbs and flows like the days on Mercury (look it up - it's epic).  Life is grand.  See you on the streets. 

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