From a moving home to Moving Pictures Gallery, the birth and re-birth of a 36' International school bus, struggling to become a green vehicle opening its doors literally to artists with something to say and those who long to hear it. Starting from scratch and loving the haters. Welcome to the happiness bus. . .

Monday, July 11, 2011

Who thought it could be so difficult?

To find time to make it to the library to catch this up. . .? 

It's been ages since a new post, right?  and to make things more awkward, my fingers are making me feel stupid - they have forgotten how to type on a full size keyboard - in a short month I have completely evolved (or de-volved) in a smart phone-thumb-typing fool.  I'm sitting here in between two strangers (but sisters the same) in the public library trying not to make my surprise at the lack of dexterity in my typing skills obvious. . .

So the bus!  Holy night how I am loving my house more and more.  It's not even my house, but I'm falling in love with it. . .walking through at night while the kids sleep, the gradually opening spaces, shadows from night lights of street lights playing on the walls, the fans or the AC humming gently, oh yeah, did I mention the space?  Meanwhile more things are getting boxed and stored or loaned to friends then I thought. . .I feel a slight failure in the total giving up of things.  Though I have given my word to donate my car to a friend in need.  I figure when I come back next fall the same will come back to me, in some fashion or another.  Not gonna sweat it. . .I love how I can point to what God says in all of this seemingly very un-wise, completely un-planned next few years and say - see?  he told us not to worry about tomorrow. . .

Also meanwhile, the bus is getting smaller.  The bunks are in, the loft is in, the toilet is in, and today Matthew is working on the sink and counter top.  We still have so much to do, and the time is short.  The renters from Texas will be moving in August 15, but that doesn't give me the option to stay an extra 2 weeks because I know myself better then to accept that gift. . .nothing will get done until the last week.  There is the roof hatches to be patched, but I need 2 full days of sun for that and our balmy Appalachian summer won't give it up without a grand thunderstorm right in the middle of the day.  My friend Derrick the master welder has promised to weld on the thick metal I bought weeks ago to replace the broken back door glass. . .Locks must be installed, I've resorted to purchasing a wood stove in lieu of a rocket stove, which needs to be bought, the entire bus needs to be scrubbed, curtains made, some sort of seating - though it will be temporary - I am eventually investing in some safety seating for the kids that is forward facing and has seat belts. . .my brother is installing a cd player, my trucker friend Tiffany whom I haven't seen since college and who drove an hour and a half to see me for the party - she told me I must invest in a GPS, which she called by some trucker slang I've already forgotten.  I learned alot that night, probably more then I wanted to, but certainly some stuff that will score me knowledge points at some junction in the future across this country.

So much to write about!  Whew!  Our family has been separated for the last 5 weeks - the boys were in NJ with their dad for three weeks, then because of un-mentioned situations, Jay could not drive them down on the set date, and he told me late the evening before - so because I couldn't make it another day without my boys, Matthew and I (I being the driver, but it's amazing the difference there is driving 10 hours solo with 3 kids and driving the same route with 1 kid and another adult. . .) booked it straight up to NJ, got the boys, left Mercury, and headed straight back down to TN.  Less then 30 hours, and man - what a testimony to my kids' strength and flexibility and finesse.  We crashed in a Maryland rest stop on the way back, and Ezekiel awoke at dawn shortly after I did, with the biggest smile on his face.  These kids are meant for the crazy life.  We had quite an adventurous journey back, all positive. 

And now I am waiting for my new used powerbook i thing.  I was corrected yesterday that it was indeed NOT an ibook.  That was what died.  Yet another little detour on my way out of here - I was blessed by being let go of my day job a month ago - it was not ideal anyway, and logistically, I probably wasn't even making any money considering the commute and the time with sitters. . .it was sudden and I texted my boss, telling her bluntly that it was inconsiderate to tell me that my job ended with only one day of warning.  I received a check for 5 times what she owed me in the mail a few days later.  That right there payed for my new used computer.  The only problem is - the previous owner STILL hasn't mailed it, it being about 2 weeks overdue.  Very frustrating, especially because I have so many photos and words to slap up here.  And when it gets to be a three page post, you're going to get bored.  But I guarantee that the last month has been anything but around here. 

I've also been busy making eyes at Matthew.  Which accounts for alot of 'lost' time. . .

I will be back at the library soon.  For now I'm heading back home to freak out about leaving such a beautiful home. . .one of the nicest things at the end of a long road trip is knowing you have a shower and comfortable bed and AC and, oh yeah, space. . .I will admit this - it's seeming much more like a trial then an exciting prospect as the physical reality takes shape. 

Oh, and there was the inccident of a failed attempt to recreate the shadows of some birch tree leaves on the bus at night with some Sharpie oil markers by Charlotte and Garret. . .sigh.  Their hearts were in it. . .

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