From a moving home to Moving Pictures Gallery, the birth and re-birth of a 36' International school bus, struggling to become a green vehicle opening its doors literally to artists with something to say and those who long to hear it. Starting from scratch and loving the haters. Welcome to the happiness bus. . .

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Giving Thanks Before We Have It

Since my disk space is all occupied on my computer, I cannot upload any new photos or put any videos up until I figure this external hard drive out.  It's rather impeding progress, but we'll all work together, won't we?

Here are a couple of self-portraits from last summer.  We have a tradition of collecting eggs and tiny monarch caterpillars from milk weed plants, caring for them (fresh milk weed every day), watching them metamorphose, and hatch into gorgeous butterflies.  Like birth, it's simply awesome each time.

Good news! - my ex-husband Jay Bertsch drove the 13 hour round trip to Western Pennsylvania to pick up a composting toilet from Joe Jenkins and his awesome company, Joseph Jenkins, Inc.  who is responsible for the Humanure Handbook, and the Loveable Loo (which they so generously donated).  Jay's mom will be driving down for a visit next weekend with toilet in tow, and hopefully Mark will be spraying in the insulation the following weekend, and then we'll be concentrating on the engine conversion, which I'm more then intimidated by, mainly because of the cost - I was under the impression that a DIY could expect to pay about $400 or less, but new information is saying it's more like $2000, give or take.  Eek!  After the near blown up experience 6 days ago and a new fuel tank later for my $500 Civic (endless thanks to Casey and Jeremy!), well, the funds are exhausted.

Troy, the solar guy, is shipping the solar kit tomorrow and letting me owe a few hundred on the total, and that will take some time to work off, but then it's all in God's hands after that.

I did, however, go ahead and purchase some beautiful stainless steel mess kits for all 4 of us - dishes are simple and accounted for, and a super-duper friend who shall remain nameless just in case - has taken on the purchase of the Waldorf curriculum for both Ezekiel and Mercury - thanks and love to you-know-who. . .

So nothing else new to write about today - will be waiting to hear from the auto glass man this week about getting my new window put back, so I can finally take the flattened air mattress out of the door and it won't look so totally trashy.  I have volunteered to do WAY too many things this week, and have to take all my 'emergency' money (all of $50) for gas and to assure I have enough in the bank to pay Troy the partial payment for the solar equipment.  I am working a day job now, taking it thinking it was more of a baby/nanny position, then realizing it was, well, more of a maid position - but the family is wonderful and the space is good and it's much needed money.  I'm happy over it all, albeit running ragged.

The rest of the week will be taken up with cleaning and cooking and writing to more prospective sponsors, and designing the side window mosaics - that takes nothing more then some aesthetic fortitude and time - easy - not weather or temperature dependent.

Here are two more photos I took of our family in the vestibule of the old Cameo theater in Bristol, Virginia.  When I was a girl, I would see double features here - mostly old westerns that I didn't care for, but I loved the antique and quaint atmosphere, and especially the balcony.  It was simple to me, but there was a lingering sense of the luxury a film used to be still present in the details - the colors and worn fabrics, the curtains, mirrors, lights, workmanship in the wood.

God willing, the conversion will be complete by the end of May so I can really concentrate on smoothing out all the inevitable details, issues, concerns, disasters, and end-of-the-worlds.  I don't have any clue how it's going to be done, but I do believe it. . .


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