From a moving home to Moving Pictures Gallery, the birth and re-birth of a 36' International school bus, struggling to become a green vehicle opening its doors literally to artists with something to say and those who long to hear it. Starting from scratch and loving the haters. Welcome to the happiness bus. . .

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Reply: Politics

A reply to a friend passing along some information, and my straightforward, albeit heartfelt, letter back. . .Thanks David for provoking some clarity within me. . .

"thanks for the offer of assistance and the link - no, I have not seen that particular information but I am keenly aware of all the hypocrisy and voluntary blindness we take part in, willingly or otherwise. . .


I was once younger and much involved in movements of 'freedom' and freedom through empowering ourselves with information.  With more knowledge, I became wildly un-enthusiastic and really just dis-illusioned by it all, dropping out, and now there has come to light something that seems the core and center of us all - a simple loving life to be led, no matter what power man might try to have over any man, only God/spirit/universe (and for the atheist, well, we're SOL ) truly has that power - life.  We have seen it in places in the world that are as conniving and controlling, just more openly - the true individual spirit soaring against all human power struggle.  

I'm definitely not arguing the points made (haven't watched the entire thing) and also not choosing to turn a blind eye, but rather to focus my energy towards things more powerful, things un-attainable or controllable by man. . .the spirit, once again.  Everywhere you look long and deep enough, man is screwed.  The USA is screwed.  We are just inherently born screwed, individually.  Then comes the control factor - I see it in the 4 day old infant I held tonight - demands are made and met, but this is OK because it is all done in love.  As we age we don't balance that love, and control morphs into things like laws and death.  

I cannot change this nation.  If I did - if we did - it would surely evolve into another system of control until we take control of ourselves, the individual.  Is anyone - you or I - strong enough? 

To take this question deeper, I look into the simplistic, which reverts us back into the infant, his mother allowing his control - out of love.  Are we allowing a military state and tax $'s (dollars that don't exist by definition!) to fund atrocities out of love?  If any man can say yes to this it is pure blasphemy!  yes!  But, I know no other way then love.  There are plenty of great people making great statements, and I applaud them all - but the one point I must stop at in the film is that we don't own anything.  I agree.  Of course, the government is saying that WE don't own anything, but really, let's go simply again, and stress that No One owns anything, except ourselves.  I know we could argue that point and I'm sure I would if they seized my bus, but from a spiritual point of view, well, I teach my children that they own nothing either.  It sucks when the bully comes up and takes your lunch money, or in our times, your new Pokemon cards, but really, principles aside (and I do realize you're talking principles, but I'm talking bigger picture) let Caesar have what it 'his'! If he's gonna be the Bully.  And he'll die like the rest of us, with nothing.

The point that I'm really getting at is that, try as we may to make this a beautiful, equal, and happy town, state, nation, world - well, it's not going to happen. Things begin at the beginning. We are born with love.  It is given to us a power to love.  As little tiny individuals, we can use it or allow others to lead us into fear and control and darkness.  For me and my children, we will not go into this Life as slaves, nor as the extreme movement trying to take back an imaginary control over material things, merely a war of power.  We will go into Life as vessels of Love that is in the gift of Self from God.  

I have studied many a good thing gone wrong.  Most recently the People's Temple.  Whoa.  A blatant example of love overcome by control.  Breaks my heart.  Even on such a miniture scale as a parent and child, up to a nation, and now this global nation I see approaching. . .there is a movement of freedom, and it's simple, it's perfect, it's probably not do-able, and it's relentlessly hippie - Love.  Revolution on the home front.  

"The spirit of political and international liberty is universal and, it may even be said, instinctive...The attainment of freedom, whether for a man, a nation or the world, must be in exact proportion to the attainment of non-violence by each...There is no such thing as slow freedom.  Til we are fully free we are all slaves...I want freedom for the full expression of my personality.  I must be free to build a staircase to Sirius if I want to...No action which is not voluntary can be called moral.  So long as we act like machines there can be no question of morality....Freedom is like birth. Till we are fully free, we are slaves....No charter of freedom will be worth looking at which does not ensure the same measure of freedom for the minorities as for the majority....True nonviolence should mean a complete freedom from ill-will and anger and hate and an overflowing love for all....Complete independence does not mean arrogant isolation or a superior disdain for all help....If it is man's (sic) privilege to be independent, it is equally his duty to be inter-dependent.... Any action that is dictated by fear or by coercion of any kind ceases to be moral....Freedom of the individual is at the root of all progress."


I'm quite certain I've jumped around here, but I trust you gained a little perspective, though reasoning for being in Philadelphia for the fourth of July may have been side-tracked, or even hijacked, by some strong convictions of mine. . .What we came to this land to do and what we've done are 2 starkly different things, no one can argue.  We pillaged and raped and murdered and controlled and destroyed countless souls.  It's my hope that all of them retained their Self in their loss, but we also know that not to be the truth.  May you and I be blessed enough to strengthen ourselves and our brothers and sisters in an earthly endeavor of love for all that it stands for.  It makes things simpler, this revolution. . ."

1 comment:

  1. You know, Sabrina, I love you. And your kids, of course (who could NOT?), but I wanted to be sure I said it to YOU. :)
