From a moving home to Moving Pictures Gallery, the birth and re-birth of a 36' International school bus, struggling to become a green vehicle opening its doors literally to artists with something to say and those who long to hear it. Starting from scratch and loving the haters. Welcome to the happiness bus. . .

Friday, May 13, 2011

here's the love

got a text from a dear friend about someone interested in helping with the bus, the mechanical side.  yeah man, here's the love - of course right now I'm relying on the help of the community, but it's for the community, at large and next door.  I'll be giving back some righteous kids raised to see both sides of the coin - the charity and us giving back - I was blessed this week as we went through the boys' room and the kids gave up so much stuff, stuff even I stalled on, toys that are dear and hold some sentimental meaning - they just piled them all up in the living room and said good bye!  They agreed on who to give specific things to - clothes to so and so, this toy to so and so, and on and on.  Sure, it's not building a house or sending someone to college, but it's community in a micro-sense - to give give give.  It's not hippie BS, it's not taking off and continually living off the backs of others, and yes, dangit, it's about living off the land.  After all, we ALL live off the land - duh - we rely on fossil fuels every step of the way - the LAND, and food grown on commercial (or hopefully organic commercial, better yet, local organic) farms, meat grown off the land - whew - didn't mean to get back into that last comment, but geez, if you really read the blog, you'd know this stuff.

If I went back to school for my MSN (master of science in nursing) like I plan to one day when it's wise (ie, the kids are older or I have someone to help raise them so the public school system and welfare system isn't responsible for their rearing), I'd be forsaking my influence and replacing it with un-controllable situations, then dealing with the repercussions once they are teenagers and think welfare will foot all the bills.  Or they'll think I can have kids now and go back to school in my mid-thirties and it'll be ok, that's what mom did.  Well, momma went to school and graduated with a BA at 20 years old, taught for awhile, and kept the kid I had when I was 22, got it 'together' for a few years, then divorce and health problems kinda blew things up.  Up until this point, this completely 'insane' and 'foolish' idea has become nothing short of completely and incredibly phenomenal to me.  Poignant and wise, in a scary sense.  Why not?  WHY not?  Because I'll get a flat?  Because I'm alone?  HA!  I'm not alone, but in this country we have that sense - we are alone in all this - we fight so hard for our sense of individuality that we shut out everyone and everything else.  Call it pride, ego, false strength - but for all it's worth, it's not worth alot to realize in the end, in your mid-life crisis amongst your nice middle class house and office job, or career, failing marriage, secret addictions - that the friends you have are just really buddies you hang out with because you're in the same social circle, same financial class and when you change your vision no one will walk alongside you.  It's best to start young, to raise our kids in a different way, different from the 50's and 60's, the suburbs and replace-able goods, let's move on back a couple centuries when LIFE was good - technology wasn't present, but life was good.  Let's take the good and toss out the bad.  It's pretty simple, but sometimes we need some brave and crazy examples to prove it's not all that crazy.  History says alot about crazy folks - crazy to the masses, but in the end, wow, what's anything new and revealing, any revolution without some crazy folks at the front of the line?

No, no no, I'm not gonna conform, not gonna teach my kids that.  I'm already labeled 'criminal' for some of my philosophies, but we've managed - no immunizations, vegetarian diet, alternative medicine, homeschooling, long-haired boys - but well, next up I'm gonna let some video talk for me and mine, maybe also brag on the accomplishments of mine even.  Heck, even me.  And why not?


  1. Amen! The American way of life is so toxic and so wasteful. I'm glad someone is finally going against the flow! I'm sure you have already watched The Story of Stuff but if you haven't look it up on youtube.

  2. great point, thanks - yes - the kids and I saw the Story of Stuff a year ago, along with some other cool videos I'm going to put links to right now.

  3. This was very good for you to receive that anonymous post from the "grown up". You will meet many of them on your journey. this was a great exercise in staying centered. :)
