From a moving home to Moving Pictures Gallery, the birth and re-birth of a 36' International school bus, struggling to become a green vehicle opening its doors literally to artists with something to say and those who long to hear it. Starting from scratch and loving the haters. Welcome to the happiness bus. . .

Thursday, May 19, 2011

shout out!!

it's been a few days.  a few days of some crazy downsizing.  ever move into your hoarding grandma's home with three kids and then have to whittle down your belongings to fit into a school bus tactfully?  me neither, not until now.

the house is upsidedown and i love it.  the entire huge living room is a stockpile of clothes and toys and games and furniture - yard sale june 4 - looking forward to that!  me and st. germaine are contemplating the details right now. . .

then!  June 24 is the Bus Party - everyone is invited, no holes barred - or is it no holds barred?  whatever the case, there will be music and fire and the bus of course.  wish you ALL could be there.  July will bring the details being wrapped up and an auction of my photography for Sirius's benefit in Johnson City, more details to come.

As for the actual conversion, well, it'll come and I'm not worried - Jay will be coming down in June to help out with the woodwork and Mark is spraying in the insulation next week 'cause I'm too chicken to mess it up.  The ever-elusive Brad was supposed to come by to school me on the engine conversion today, but I was lame and didn't follow up with a phone call, so of course he forgot - I'll get him next week.

In the meantime, I've written the Ellen Show (whom showed interest months ago thanks to my post-producer Tom Ford) and waiting to hear back from some other prospectives.  It'll take me actually getting out there for any substantial bites, I've concluded.

And a HUGE thanks to the Worley's from Holston Bus Co who have agreed to come check out the engine and get Sirius ready to go!  Soon now... And for those who question my ability to maintain such a machine, well, I'm going to be schooled quite a bit by this community I've roused - THANKS!

Going to bed happy and less cluttered - I'll see you late June, faithful plenty.  Check out my Facebook for more info - Sabrina Bertsch


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