From a moving home to Moving Pictures Gallery, the birth and re-birth of a 36' International school bus, struggling to become a green vehicle opening its doors literally to artists with something to say and those who long to hear it. Starting from scratch and loving the haters. Welcome to the happiness bus. . .

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Antidisestablishmentarianism - gotta love the haters

A friend alerted me to this comment before I saw it.  While much could be said in retort, they would be defensive words falling on deaf ears.  As I'm not bound and determined to sway anyone's opinion right now (I'll let the present state of things always speak for me), I'll remain humble and give shout outs to those that my life angers.  Maybe if I was still 20, I'd take this comment much differently, but I've had much too much experience in defense for the sake of ego to not have learned that's pointless.  Anon is right about the bus breaking down - it's bound to happen, and right about me probably not being able to lift a tire, but just one slip of vernacular caught my eye - I'm not insane - insanity, by definition, is trying the same thing over and over again expecting different results.  I can assure you, this is the first time I'm volunteering to be homeless, trust God completely despite man's words, and believe in people - even you, dear Anon - my children will be better people for your children's earth, that's a promise.  

Anonymous said...

Well, I've been following your blog since seeing the article in the paper a while back. I have to finally say you're either insane or immature to the point it's almost criminal to your children.

This 60's hippie bullshit of "Me 'n You 'n A Dog named Boo, traveling 'n aliving off the land" in your old school bus is just that....immature bullshit. Fine if you're 20, no kids and no responsibility.....go do it....but you don't HAVE that luxury. You need to flat GROW UP and provide a stable home for the kids you brought into this world, not trying to take an old worn out school bus on the road in some romantic adventure.

Have you EVEN considered the amount of fuel it will take to do this fool route you have laid ? You think you're gonna stop and collect veggie oil and do this ? Insane.

How about tires. Let's assume they are brand freaking new....You have a flat in the middle of nowhere, can you even LIFT a tire that weighs more than you, much less break the lug nuts or jack up the bus ?

What happens if you throw a rod in the engine in North Dakota ? You have bus fare tucked away for 4 of you and prepared to spend 40hrs on a bus back to here ?? don't have money enough for a motel when you run off to PA for a few days, much less bus fare money when you have to abandon your bus ( maybe you'll be lucky enough to break down right next to a scrap yard.....other wise the tow truck operator will get it all.)

Insane, I tell you. And IF it was just you....fine....but to drag 3 kids along on your ill fated foolishness is bordering on criminally insane.

You need to have that bus hauled down to Omnisource scrap yard, have it crushed, and put a few bucks in savings.....then get the hell OFF the internet and quit wasting your time blogging, and GET TO WORK building you and your kids a decent, stable life instead of acting like you're still a freaking teenager with 3 puppies.

I assume you'll delete this, as it isn't the lovey-dovey BS most people post, but if I were your parent, this is EXACTLY what I would tell you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think the author of that statement, has some very valid points about planning for possible obstacles.

    It sounds to me that the anonymous poster either knows you really well, or not at all. Someone who knows you really well wouldn't use an anonymous blog post especially in that tone. They would care enough to talk to you directly. If it is someone who doesn't know you, it proves they are commenting out of context and basing that upon assumptions.

    I believe that the author is cowardly and also bitter. The post tells me more about the person writing it than anything else. I also believe they are the kind of person who are the obstacles and create the obstacles in the world, which stop other possible lifestyles and paradigms to occur. These are the people of fear and hate. They are the judgmental and the self-righteous who want to comment with only their personal beliefs, however ignorant or naive as they might be. Albeit their beliefs and lifestyles are valid as well, the projection of their fear and discomfort is beyond their own conscious grasp. The "misery loves company crowd" who can't stand the thought of someone doing something different than they did and that it could possibly work out. If the author had sound reasoning for their comments, they wouldn't present this in that manner.

    Sabrina, I hope that you will read the safety concepts that the individual is posting and that you are planning for those contingencies more than you blog entries suggests. I also hope that you will stay clear of those individuals like the author of this post. They are the ones who wish failure for others. Perhaps that is how they make their living...

  4. PS- If that poster of the comment: "I assume you'll delete this, as it isn't the lovey-dovey BS most people post, but if I were your parent, this is EXACTLY what I would tell you." is the type of parent that would talk to their child like that, then my apologies to their children on their behalf. I have met your children, they are already more intelligent than this adult individual.

  5. Sean, thanks, and yes, my faithful Capricornian friend - I have more planned out then I let on, but probably much less then you would plan for. Ha! I've got some 'foolish' faith and gypsy blood, and that fool gypsy blood was passed down to the'm not the maker of my destiny as some would have it, but I trust in the Maker - They are far better wiser then i...
